Among the most typical dishes of Alcoy highlights the olleta (a stew made of beans,with pads, pork and sausage, very popular at parties), the “Borreta” (stew with potatoes, spinach, cod and egg), pericana (cold dish based on dried pepper and salt cod), and “coca”, both fresh and saltwater. Stuffed peppers [bajoques farcides] (rice,tomato sauce, garlic, parsley, pork or cooked fresh tuna usually baked).
Note that in this population was invented stuffed olives (stuffed with anchovies), [citation needed] known by the brand’s snack and the Spanish Serpis, both based inAlcoy. Like the stuffed olive, the “Garibaldi”, the “Sangueta”, the “penques” batter,tripe, meatballs and cod “aladroc, the water-salt, onion dwell with the” sea cucumbers”, the “Abyssinian”, the “Magre i Fetge” … constitute the so-called “Picaeta Alcoiana. “
Alcoy typical drinks are coffee liquor, consumed as a snack alone or combined withlemonade, lemon granita (then called the lie or mentireta mixture), with beer or cola(called the mixture plis-play) and herbero, liquor made with mashed sweet anise andherbs from the Sierra Mariola.
Among the traditional sweets include pork pies, made with a flaky pastry filled with meat, pine nuts and cinnamon and sugar. They are also known the almonds, icing sugar covered almonds, and different Christmas cakes, such as shortening, glazednuts, “rollets” spirits, “pastissets sweet potato, ” the roly-poly or cake, almond cakecoated icing sugar.